One of pale carpets biggest enemies… red wine.

Spills happen no matter how careful you’re being. Don’t panic if you’ve spilt a little (or a lot) of red wine onto your clean carpets, we’ve got some great home remedies for you to try before having to call in a professional.

TOP TIP: Act fast
Most importantly when a spill happens is get on to cleaning it ASAP. Once the liquid dries and “sets” into your carpet’s fibres, it becomes much harder to get it out on your own.



  • Soda Water / Club Soda:
    1. Blot (DON’T rub) the stain as well as you can with a clean, dry cloth. Try to soak up as much of the liquid as possible
    2. Pour some soda water over the stain (enough to soak into the fibres)
    3. Blot again with a CLEAN dry cloth
    4. Pour more soda water on it
    5. Blog again (and repeat until the stain is gone)
  • White Wine:

This may sound crazy but believe it or not, white wine has the enzyme that can neutralize a red wine stain

  1. Soak up excess liquid with a clean dry cloth
  2. Pour some white wine onto the stain
  3. Now using a clean damp cloth blot the stained area.
  4. After most of the stain is gone you can use a mild detergent and a damp cloth to clean the area, again dabbing NOT rubbing or scrubbing


  • White Vinegar & Detergent:
  1. DIY stain solution by mixing 1/3 Cup of white vinegar with 2/3 Cup of water.
  2. Pour vinegar solution on the stain and blot with a clean cloth.
  3. When the stain is lighter, use mild dish washing detergent to blot the remaining stain.
  4. Rinse the soap by spraying some water on the soaped carpet and blot using a dry clean cloth.

TOP TIP: After the stain is gone, blow dry the wet area with cool air

If you’re a bit late and the stain has already dried, don’t panic. Get in touch with us and we can asses the damage and provide advice. More often than not our special stain-removing solution can remove even the toughest of stains.

If these points have made you think a little more about what may be hiding right under your… feet, and you’re after a professional carpet clean, we can help! From only $180, one of our local carpet cleaning experts can come to your home, with top of the line equipment, and get your carpets looking, feeling and smelling FRESH!

You can either book online or get in touch for more information!

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